Saturday, September 5, 2009

Faultless for Misunderstanding

In a email exchange, a friend once send to me the following comment.
"I did not misunderstand. I mis-read."
WHAT EVERRRRRRRR. I thought to myself and forgot about it. I called him later to be sure I had not offended him and we both took at turn at an explanation of our opinions. Still, at the end he made this statement.
"You just mis-heard me"
Clearly what we had was a failure to communicate.

Recently I came to realize the humor that can come from
"Mis-heard" .

Thanks to the blessing of cell phones, we women can communicate in the car, in a store, waiting in line, or on the run. We are now in constant communication. We can now be "alone but never alone". And best friends, while sometimes they have a misunderstanding, remain connected even if miles apart. Yesterday was just such a day for both sides of that coin.

My best friend, who lives 200 miles away, was on her way to the drugstore and hit speed dial
as soon as she hit the gas pedal. Thus she did not have to run her errand alone. She had a travel companion thanks to technology. She soon arrived at the drugstore, put the car in park...."hold on a minute"....gathering her things....... "OK, I'm at the drugstore", she said.

I could hear the click click click of her heels echo in the store. My friend and I both suffer for the belief that we must be well dressed for every occasion, even a run to the drugstore. All activity requires the right and suitably cute shoe and complimentary purse, full makeup, hair done and nails painted.

With the click click click of her heels and the squeak of the wheels on her cart, she made her way
through the store. Making a stop at the makeup counter, we had a detailed discussion about mineral makeup verse the tried and true Maxfactor. The subject of new fall colors available in nail polish, OPI, also made it to the top ten things to discuss in a drugstore.

Soon the squeak and the click click click resumed and she was off to another section. Arriving at the actual original intended purpose for the store - the drug counter- she started to speak to the Pharmacist. "Oh, just a minute, I have to drop of this prescription for Roger" she said. I knew that already, as I could clearly hear her conversation with the Pharmacist and his assurance that he would have it ready in about twenty minutes.

Now I understand why so many other things are sold at the "DRUGSTORE". I think it must have been part of some greater plan to begin with. His real message sounded more like, "I'm going to take at least twenty minutes so you have plenty of time to go buy something else. Off with you woman, go buy something."

In a flash my friend was off down the aisles in search of treasures that just had to be taken home. Why waste the trip for just one thing and all. There is a halt of the click click click and the squeak and a break in the conversation. "Oh, I almost forgot I need some Viagra", she said.
Now I was not surprised to hear that, as her husband is twenty five years her senior and I
made no comment in reply.

"Hum", "I wonder", "I've never used that brand", and " I wonder how stiff is will be", she was saying more to herself that to me. As I had no idea that the level of stiffness was an option with the use of the little blue pill. My mind pondered for a moment, is that like firm verse baseball bat unbendible rigid????????? I ask the obvious question. "Dianna, what are you talking about"? With Di the answer can be anything for the normal to the extraordinary to the insanely funny, so I waited with great anticipation for the answer.

Her answer. "Well.........I'd like something pretty stiff", she said. That made sense but still I asked again, "What are you talking about, Di"?

Her answer. "Well......... faultless is good and I like magic sizing but I think I'll just get what we always use and get Viagra". She had to repeat it twice.

In my defense, before I go any farther in this story, I want you to know that she had a loose veneer on her front tooth and I'm using that an an excuse for the confusion.

"I didn't know it regulated size as well as firmness", I replied and she was quick with, "What are YOU talking about, Di. "You said you were at the drugstore and wanted some Viagra".
Her reply: "No silly, I said Niagara. I need some spray starch".

With that we both laughed until we began to cry. She, of course, had no tissue in her purse so she made a quick trip, click click, click and squeak, to the paper products aisle for some Kleenex.
Laughing all the way, I joined her via cell phone back to the makeup aisle for a quick face check and some mascara and off she went back to the pharmacist who was just calling out her name.

In conclusion, let me say that the best thing about having a best friend is the probability that you can have fun and find things to laugh about whether by letter, card, email, over lunch or by cellphone.

Clearly, I "mis-heard". Niagara NOT Viagra. At least not in that aisle.
You go click click squeak.

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